I Guess I Actually Went Through With It

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Aug 202015

So I printed the parts for a three dee printer on a TAZ 4 my friend graciously let me borrow, and I may have actually spent weeks going over the BOM a few times … and ended up hitting order on a few too many websites. Packages started trickling in yesterday…

This is going to be … interesting.

I made a thing

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Oct 232014


Master of electricity or something. I had meant to set up arduino controlled led strips in June…


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Oct 012014


Not my best

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Jun 172014


Eeprom keeps resetting.

I made this

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Jun 042014

Prototype for interesting things to come. Controlled by lisp.

/afs/hcoop.net Upgraded to 1.6.7 and Rekeyed

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Apr 232014

Yesterday, I upgraded hcoop‘s openafs file and database servers from 1.4.10 to 1.6.7 (except for cantankerous old deleuze). Today I removed the 1.4.10 machine from afs service with no problems… and then rekeyed. With no problems.

On the one hand, no problems is great. On the other hand, it feels a bit anti-climactic after all of the work that led up to this moment. I think I deserve a beer.

Cats cats cats

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Apr 122014

Oh hey, I guess I can use fancy galleries without wordpress.com.

I Like Error Messages

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Apr 052014
mlyacc src/domtool.grm
mlton -link-opt -ldl -stop tc -output bin/domtool-client src/domtool-client.mlb
Warning: src/printFn.sml 141.5.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case d of (DExternType name) => (  ...  ace 1, ident name]))
Warning: src/printFn.sml 163.5.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case d of (DExternType name) => (  ...   name, ident name)])
Warning: src/tycheck.sml 642.5.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case d of (DExternType name) => (  ...  (bindContext G name)
Warning: src/order.sml 128.5.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case d of (DExternType name) => (  ...  text G name, empty))
Warning: src/printFn.sml 141.5.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case d of (DExternType name) => (  ...  ace 1, ident name]))
Warning: src/printFn.sml 163.5.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case d of (DExternType name) => (  ...   name, ident name)])
Warning: src/autodoc.sml 224.6.
  Case is not exhaustive.
missing pattern: (DEnv _)
in: case annotate_decl d of (DExternT  ...  actions, vals, evs))

I’m adding a minor new language feature to domtool:

env CSymbol [: type] = exp
(* analogous to val Symbol [: type] = exp *)

It will make writing extensions that use environment vars easier… you /can/ already CSymbol = exp to set an environment variable default, but you can not specify a type (important in a few cases like the WWW environment variable). The typechecker internals aren’t exactly my area of expertise, but, hooray, the compiler has already told me every source location that I need to inspect to add support.


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Apr 032014



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Apr 032014


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Apr 022014
