An Experiment

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Oct 262018

To all zero of my readers,

Actually writing things seems to be something I can’t muster up the will to do.

So I hacked up an rss plugin for wordpress last year to repost excepts from my tt-rss shared feed, but have left the posts it generates private. Since it’s OK if not ideal, I’m just gonna set the plugin to post publicly for now to see if it works out, and maybe as motivation to hurry up and finish tweaking the format, or writing a fresh plugin from scratch that only does what I need.

For now it will post every time I update my shared feed from tt-rss; I am leaning toward modifying it so that it collects all posts and makes a single daily entry, but I’ll see how this works first.

Oct 222024

The Supreme Court’s Carpenter decision created a warrant requirement for obtaining location data from service providers. It was a limited ruling, albeit one that has had far-ranging implications.
Thanks to this ruling, law enforcement agencies have started buying location data from third-party brokers, rather than suffer the apparent indignity of having to ask a judge to approve a warrant. The underlying theme of the ruling — that the Fourth Amendment ain’t what it used to be now that everyone’s online all the time — has seen it applied to cases where location data isn’t the underlying concern. Anything law enforcement might use to engage in tracking of individuals is now under additional scrutiny.
And while this is…

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 2024-10-22  No Responses »
Oct 222024

A security issue has been identified in
which allows for a local user to gain the privileges of any of the build users
and subsequently use this to manipulate the output of any build. Your
are strongly advised to upgrade your daemon now (see instructions
below), especially on multi-user systems.This exploit requires the ability to start a derivation build and the ability to
run arbitrary code with access to the store in the root PID namespace on the
machine the build occurs on. As such, this represents an increased risk
primarily to multi-user systems and systems using dedicated privilege-separation
users for various daemons: without special sandboxing measures, any process of
theirs can take advantage of this vulnerability.VulnerabilityFor a very long time, guix-daemon has helpfully made…

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 2024-10-22  No Responses »
Oct 212024

In recovering from recent cyberattacks on October 8, the Internet Archive has resumed the Wayback Machine (starting October 13) and Archive-It (October 17), and as of today (October 21), has begun offering provisional availability of in a read-only manner. Features like uploading, borrowing, reviewing items, interlibrary loan, and other services are not yet available.  Please note that these services will have limited availability as we continue maintenance.  Hackers disclosed email and encrypted passwords to a transparency website, and also sent emails to patrons by exploiting a 3rd party helpdesk system. The safety and integrity of the Internet Archive’s data and patrons remain our top priorities. As the security incident is analyzed and contained by…

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 2024-10-21  No Responses »
Oct 212024

Between 1400 and 1775, a significant upsurge in witch trials swept across early modern Europe, resulting in the execution of an estimated 40,000–60,000 accused witches. Historians and social scientists have long studied this period in hopes of learning more about how large-scale social changes occur. Some have pointed to the invention of the printing press and the publication of witch-hunting manuals—most notably the highly influential Malleus Maleficarum—as a major factor, making it easier for the witch-hunting hysteria to spread across the continent.
The abrupt emergence of the craze and its rapid spread, resulting in a pronounced shift in social behaviors—namely, the often brutal persecution of suspected witches—is consistent with a theory of social change dubbed “ideational diffusion,”…

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 2024-10-21  No Responses »
Oct 182024

Last week, along with a DDOS attack and exposure of patron email addresses and encrypted passwords, the Internet Archive’s website javascript was defaced, leading us to bring the site down to access and improve our security.  The stored data of the Internet Archive is safe and we are working on resuming services safely. This new reality requires heightened attention to cyber security and we are responding. We apologize for the impact of these library services being unavailable. The Wayback Machine, Archive-It, scanning, and national library crawls have resumed, as well as email, blog, helpdesk, and social media communications.  Our team is working around the clock across time zones to bring other services back online. In coming…

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 2024-10-18  No Responses »
Oct 172024

Name as it appears on the ballot: Joshua Bradley Age: 50 Party affiliation: NC Green Party & Socialist Party USA Campaign website: Occupation & employer: Hotel Accountant-Summit Hospitality Group Years lived in Raleigh: 32 1. Given the direction of Raleigh government, would you say things are on the right course? If not, what specific changes will you advocate for if elected? No. 1. Gentrification is still accelerating. I would work to ensure that housing for the workers, the poor, and the unhoused is the number 1 priority of the city. 2. There have been at least 5 unarmed people killed by police in the last few years. I will work to get the alternative crisis response unit fully funded, as people in…

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 2024-10-17  No Responses »
Oct 172024

A U.S. District Court will hear Stein v LaRose, s.d., 2:24cv-04042, on Tuesday, October 22. This is the case over whether Jill Stein’s votes should be counted. She is on the ballot in Ohio, but after the ballots were printed, the Secretary of State said he would not count her votes, because he perceived that her vice-presidential candidate had withdrawn, even though the vice-presidential candidate had not withdrawn.

Some evidence was taken on Wednesday, October 16, at the status conference.

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 2024-10-17  No Responses »
Oct 132024

According to my notes, it went live shortly after midnight on Oct 13, 1994. We sat in the conference room in the dark and listened to different sound effects fired for each different platform that was downloaded. At some point late that night I wandered off and wrote the first version of the page that loaded when you pressed the “What’s Cool” button in the toolbar. (A couple days later, Jim Clark would go ballistic in a company-wide email because I had included a link to Bianca’s Smut Shack.) For those of you who are unaware of these finer details, 0.9 was the first release of the Netscape browser (which begat Firefox) available to the…

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 2024-10-13  No Responses »
Oct 082024

The following guest post from editor and journalist Maria Bustillos is part of our Vanishing Culture series, highlighting the power and importance of preservation in our digital age. On August 13, 1961, the Sunday edition of The Honolulu Advertiser published its official Health Bureau Statistics (“Births, Marriages, Deaths”); on page B-6, in the leftmost column—just below the ads for luau supplies and Carnation Evaporated Milk—the twenty-second of twenty-five birth notices announced that on August 4, Mrs. Barack H. Obama of 6085 Kalanianaole Highway had given birth to a son. The Honolulu State Library subsequently copied that page, along with the rest of the newspaper, onto microfilm, as a routine addition to its archive. Decades later, as Donald Trump…

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 2024-10-08  No Responses »
Oct 082024

The recent WordPress
is not the first time there’s been tension between the
WordPress community, the interests of Automattic as a business, and Matt
Mullenweg’s leadership as WordPress’s benevolent dictator for
life (BDFL). In particular, Mullenweg’s focus on pushing WordPress to use a new “editing experience” called Gutenberg caused significant
friction—and led to the ClassicPress fork. Users who
want to preserve the “classic” WordPress experience without straying
too far from the WordPress fold may want to look into ClassicPress.

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 2024-10-08  No Responses »
Oct 032024

Today’s links

Prime’s enshittified advertising: Don’t touch that dial. No, seriously, DON’T.

Hey look at this: Delights to delectate.

This day in history: 2009, 2014, 2019, 2023

Upcoming appearances: Where to find me.

Recent appearances: Where I’ve been.

Latest books: You keep readin’ em, I’ll keep writin’ ’em.

Upcoming books: Like I said, I’ll keep writin’ ’em.

Colophon: All the rest.

Prime’s enshittified advertising (permalink)
Prime’s gonna add more ads. They brought in ads in January, and people didn’t cancel their Prime subscriptions, so Amazon figures that they can make Prime even worse and make more money:
The cruelty isn’t the point. Money is the point. Every ad that Amazon shows you shifts value away from you – your time, your attention – to the company’s shareholders.

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 2024-10-03  No Responses »
Oct 022024

Meta is restricting the use of the upside-down red triangle emoji, a reference to Hamas combat operations that has become a broader symbol of Palestinian resistance, on its Facebook and Instagram, and WhatsApp platforms, according to internal content moderation materials reviewed by The Intercept. Since the beginning of the Israeli assault on Gaza, Hamas has regularly released footage of its successful strikes on Israeli military positions with red triangles superimposed above targeted soldiers and armor. Since last fall, use of the red triangle emoji has expanded online, becoming a widely used icon for people expressing pro-Palestinian or anti-Israeli sentiment. Social media users have included the shape in their posts, usernames, and profiles as a badge of…

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 2024-10-02  No Responses »
Oct 022024

Taxpayer-funded data locked behind insurance firm’s paywall

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) cannot reveal weather forecasts from a particularly accurate hurricane prediction model to the public that pays for the American government agency – because of a deal with a private insurance risk firm.…

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 2024-10-02  No Responses »
Sep 292024

Tantek Çelik suggests that Creative Commons should add a CC-NT license, like the existing Creative Commons licenses, but written to make it clear that the content is not licensed for generative AI training. Manton Reece likes the idea, and would allow training—but understands why publishers would choose not to. AI training permissions are becoming a huge deal, and there is a need for more licensing options. disclaimer: we’re taking steps in this area at work now. This is a personal blog post though, not speaking for employer or anyone else. In the 2024 AI Training Survey Results from Draft2Digital, only 5% of the authors surveyed said that scraping and training without a license is fair use….

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 2024-09-29  No Responses »
Sep 272024

No patches yet, can be mitigated, requires user interaction

Final update  After days of anticipation, what was billed as one or more critical unauthenticated remote-code execution vulnerabilities in all Linux systems was today finally revealed.…

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 2024-09-27  No Responses »
Sep 262024

North Carolina law says a party gains or retains qualified status if its presidential nominee was on the ballot in at least 35 states. The party label doesn’t matter. Jill Stein will be on the ballot in 36 states in November 2024, so the party is now on the ballot for 2026 and 2028.
Parties also retain if they poll 2% for either President or Governor. Both offices are up in presidential years.
If Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. had not withdrawn, his party, the We the People Party, would also have qualified. However, he withdrew his name from North Carolina and eighteen other states, so he is only on in 31 states (plus D.C., but D.C. doesn’t count…

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 2024-09-26  No Responses »
Sep 262024

Resolving to continue working within, and for, the Democratic Party, in a statement issued last week, leaders of the group urged followers to “block Trump” and “avoid third-party candidates.”

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 2024-09-26  No Responses »