According to my notes, it went live shortly after midnight on Oct 13, 1994. We sat in the conference room in the dark and listened to different sound effects fired for each different platform that was downloaded. At some point late that night I wandered off and wrote the first version of the page that loaded when you pressed the “What’s Cool” button in the toolbar. (A couple days later, Jim Clark would go ballistic in a company-wide email because I had included a link to Bianca’s Smut Shack.) For those of you who are unaware of these finer details, 0.9 was the first release of the Netscape browser (which begat Firefox) available to the…
External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/10/mosaic-netscape-0-9-was-released-30-years-ago-today/