Feb 212021

I have significantly refactored the XScreenSaver daemon, the component of the XScreenSaver suite that provides screen locking on X11 systems.These changes greatly reduce the amount of code running in the “critical” section: the part of the code where a crash would cause the screen to unlock. That critical section is now only around 1,800 lines of code, a reduction of roughly 87%.Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. — Antoine de Saint-ExuperyMy approach with XScreenSaver, as I’ve written about extensively, has always been to minimize the amount of code in the critical section: to link with as few libraries as possible, and to…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2021/02/xscreensaver-version-6-beta-1/

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Feb 212021

Throughout the country, teachers are being forced back into schools before it’s fully safe. And while many teachers’ unions are waging valiant fights against unsafe reopenings, too many of them are losing.
Chicago Teachers Union members demand an end to virtual classroom lockouts during a car picket on January 15, 2021. (Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association / Flickr) “This is not the agreement you deserve.”
So said Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) president Jesse Sharkey, announcing that members had voted to accept a plan to return to school buildings.
Chicago teachers began returning to schools on February 11, after contentious negotiations over whether they would be forced to teach in person. While their district’s animosity…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://jacobinmag.com/2021/02/school-teachers-unions-return-in-person/

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