Nov 082023

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

Honestly geometry’s pretty dicey, as are numbers larger than 1.

Today’s News:

Thanks for a great launch day, all. I’ll be in conversation with Randall Munroe tonight in NYC if you wanna say hi!

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 2023-11-08  Comments Off on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (updated daily) – Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Science
Nov 082023

Hidden deep in Seagate’s financial report released late last month was a brief roadmap update for the company’s heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology. As noted in the latest update, Seagate is now planning to begin mass production of its 32 TB HAMR in early 2024, which is a slight delay from what the company announced early this year. Meanwhile, the company expects to start production of 40+ TB HDDs in about two years’ time. “Qualification and revenue ramp plans for our 30-plus terabyte products remain fully on track with high-volume ramp starting early in calendar 2024,” said Dave Mosley, chief executive of Seagate, during conference call with financial analysts and investors. ” These drives deliver capacity…

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 2023-11-08  Comments Off on AnandTech – Seagate’s HAMR Update: 32 TB in Early 2024, 40+ TB Two Years Later
Nov 082023

EFF warns incoming rules may return web ‘to the dark ages of 2011’

Lawmakers in Europe are expected to adopt digital identity rules that civil society groups say will make the internet less secure and open up citizens to online surveillance.…

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 2023-11-08  Comments Off on The Register – Bad eIDAS: Europe ready to intercept, spy on your encrypted HTTPS connections
Nov 082023

What the Alpha means
The alpha release primarily focuses on preparing our software for a future release. It involves handling unreleased dependencies, version numbers, co-installation conflicts, and all the relevant bookkeeping work.
This release has been somewhat manic, with issues surfacing up to the last minute. However, that’s precisely what this early release is for: resolving these issues now and gathering feedback on packaging to ensure a smoother transition to the beta phase.
Feature Freezes
The complete feature freeze for Plasma is scheduled for the day of the first beta, which is on November 29th. After that, bug fixing will be the sole focus for a period of three months leading up to the final release.
A soft freeze is set…

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 2023-11-08  Comments Off on Planet KDE – Plasma 6.0 Alpha – What this means
Nov 082023

Most of us will have at some point have bought a long power cable to charge the bike on the deck, but [Slava G. Turyshev] has a slightly more ambitious idea. In this recent paper, he outlines how an advanced civilization could use a star or two to transmit power or send signals over an interstellar distance. And his idea is also simple enough that we could do it right now, with existing technology, or detect if someone else is doing it.

Gravitational lensing is where a large mass (such as, say, a star) bends the path of light around it. That can act like a lens in a telescope, focussing light that would otherwise be impossible…

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 2023-11-08  Comments Off on Hackaday – Using Gravitational Lensing To Transmit Power And Detect Aliens