Nov 122023

On November 12, 1970, a 45-foot, eight-ton sperm whale washed up on the beach at Florence, Oregon. What unfolded next has become an epic representation of taking a bad idea and running with it.

The Oregon Highway Division, lacking experience in whale carcass disposal but high on creativity, decided that dynamite was the way. — Read the rest

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Nov 122023

On November 12, 2005, I started a ‘blog’ to share news snippets and information about emerging file-sharing technology. At the time it would’ve been unthinkable that it would still draw visitors in 2023. But here we are.
Running a site like this on your own is impossible, so luckily Andy joined TF in 2006. Without his tireless input, the site wouldn’t be where it is today. I couldn’t have wished for a better partner to work alongside, period.
With two main writers and no other editorial staff we’re just a tiny operation compared to most other news sites. This means that we can’t cover every news story. Instead, we often try to focus on unique angles and perspectives….

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