Jun 112023

Debian v12 with codename bookworm was released as new stable release on 10th of June 2023. Similar to what we had with #newinbullseye and previous releases, now it’s time for #newinbookworm!
I was the driving force at several of my customers to be well prepared for bookworm. As usual with major upgrades, there are some things to be aware of, and hereby I’m starting my public notes on bookworm that might be worth also for other folks. My focus is primarily on server systems and looking at things from a sysadmin perspective.
Further readings
As usual start at the official Debian release notes, make sure to especially go through What’s new in Debian 12 + Issues to be…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://michael-prokop.at/blog/2023/06/11/what-to-expect-from-debian-bookworm-newinbookworm/

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