Jun 062023

Enlarge / The Reddit iOS app icon. (credit: Getty Images | Yuriko Nakao )
Reddit is getting ready to slap third-pary apps with millions of dollars in API fees, and many Reddit users are unhappy about it. A widespread protest is planned for June 12, with hundreds of subreddits planning to go dark for 48 hours.
Reddit started life as a geeky site, but as it has aged, it has been trying to work more like a traditional social network. Part of that push included the development of a first-party app for mobile devices, but the 17-year-old site only launched an official app in 2016. Before then, it was up to third-party apps to…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://arstechnica.com/?p=1944464

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Jun 062023

Public housing officials around the world using biometric surveillance is largely the same as police using it except in one respect – the people being surveilled in public housing are virtually all poor. That makes any use of facial recognition in subsidized housing unacceptable, if not always by residents themselves then by advocates of the underprivileged. A pair of United States Representatives, Maxine Waters from California and Ayanna Pressley from the state of Massachusetts, have issued a statement saying biometric surveillance does not increase “stability and fairness” in public housing. They sent the statement to Marcia Fudge, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, asking her to prohibit facial recognition in public housing….

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.biometricupdate.com/202306/pair-of-us-politicians-want-face-biometrics-ripped-out-of-public-housing

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