Sep 132020

For Immediate Release September 12, 2020 For more information: Howie Hawkins, Hawkins fights for Green Party’s survival Albany, NY – Faced with a tripling of the votes required to keep the Green Party on New York ballots in future elections, Howie Hawkins called upon progressives to vote for the Green presidential ticket in 2020. “Biden has been consistently ahead of Trump by at least 25% in every poll in New York. Trump is toast here.…

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 2020-09-13  Comments Off on Release: Hawkins fights for Green Party’s survival Howie Hawkins for President | Angela Walker for Vice President
Sep 132020

Millions of people use BitTorrent every day but only a few know all the ins-and-outs of how it works. Meanwhile, an even smaller group is actively involved in shaping the future of the file-sharing protocol. BitTorrent was first made public by inventor Bram Cohen nearly two decades ago. While it was swiftly embraced by the masses, the protocol itself was far from perfect. Over the years many new features were added, including DHT, UDP trackers,…

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 2020-09-13  Comments Off on Libtorrent Adds Support for BitTorrent v2, a Potential Game-Changer TorrentFreak
Sep 132020

tl;dr – because sysadminning a console is the worst game ever. Hear about [REDACTED] being released for PS3. Wonder if I can download that. Turn on PS3 for the first time in… a year? Remember that for some reason it stopped being able to connect to the network. Dick around in settings for 30 minutes. Completely disassemble it. (Wow, those heat sinks are not fucking around!) Detect nothing obviously unseated. Re-assemble. Dick around in settings…

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 2020-09-13  Comments Off on Why I never play video games any more jwz
Sep 132020

Globally, populations of vertebrates have dropped 2/3 since 1970. Populations of insects have also dropped drastically, but they are not covered by this study. What it adds up to is that we are ruining nature.

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 2020-09-13  Comments Off on Populations of vertebrates have dropped since 1970 Richard Stallman’s Political Notes
Sep 132020

Uber and Lyft have put a referendum on the ballot in California to define their drivers a new legal status combining the worst aspects of being an employee with the worst aspects of independent contracting. The article also describes other deceptive tricks that they are using. This is in addition to making customers identify themselves and run nonfree software,

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 2020-09-13  Comments Off on Uber and Lyft put a referendum on the ballot in California Richard Stallman’s Political Notes