Sep 272020

For the Linux Users of Victoria (LUV) I’ve run video conferences on Jitsi and BBB (see my previous post about BBB vs Jitsi [1]). One issue with video conferences is the bandwidth requirements. The place I’m hosting my video conference server has a NBN link with allegedly 40Mb/s transmission speed and 100Mb/s reception speed. My tests show that it can transmit at about 37Mb/s and receive at speeds significantly higher than that but also quite…

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 2020-09-27  Comments Off on Russell Coker: Bandwidth for Video Conferencing Planet Debian
Sep 272020

IPSWICH, MA—In an effort to restore the rule of law, Attorney General Bill Barr declared Ipswich Middle School an anarchist jurisdiction Friday after finding a circle-A symbol scrawled on a notebook cover. “We’ve discovered verifiable evidence that this middle school is a hotbed of left-wing extremism,” said Barr of…Read more…

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 2020-09-27  Comments Off on Bill Barr Declares Ipswich Middle School Anarchist Jurisdiction After Finding ‘Circle-A’ Symbol Drawn On Notebook Cover The Onion
Sep 272020

On September 26, President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett of the Seventh Circuit for the U.S. Supreme Court. It appears she has only written one ballot access decision. In 2019 she wrote the opinion in Acevedo v Cook County Electoral Board, 18-2979. She upheld requiring a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Sheriff of Cook County to collect 8,236 signatures. The plaintiff-Candidate had sued, arguing that the state could not constitutionally require more than…

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 2020-09-27  Comments Off on Judge Amy Coney Barrett Ruled Unfavorably in Her Only Ballot Access Case Ballot Access News