During 2023 and early 2024, No Labels was trying to get on the ballot in as many states as possible, so as to run a centrist (not yet chosen) presidential candidate. Although it abandoned that effort on April 4, 2024, it is now suing Third Way and Investing in U.S., two groups that tried to interfere with its efforts. See this ElectionLawBlog post, which quotes from a Washington Post article.
In response, No Labels spokeperson Dan Webb said, “The Post reporter pulled public documents from an ongoing court case, showing political operatives – who were doing the bidding of senior Democratic operatives and funders – plotting to “dstroy” No Labels and make us “devastatingly toxic” to citizens…
On November 5, 20 Green Party members, and 18 Libertarian Party members, who non-partisan elections.
Green in Arizona: Haryaksha Gregor Knauer, Joint Technical Education District Board, Coconino County.
Greens in California: Sylvia Chavez, Calipatria City Council; Aqeela El-Amin Bakheit, Lake County Education Board; Jesus “Jesse” Mendoza, City Council of Mendota; Gabriel Medina, Watsonville School Board; Zachary Saltzberg, Sebastopol School Board; Randy Marx, Sacramento County Water Board; Jane Jarlsberg, San Bernardino County Water Board; Jocelyn Bolanos, Alderpoint Water Board; Alan Hangar, Vacaville Water Board; Christopher Medeiros, Merced County Irrigation Board; Eduardo Torres, Contra Costa County Parks Board; Nancy Heliotes, Napa Parks Board; Harry Farmer, Cambria Community Services Board.
Greens in D.C.: Kimory Orendoff, Anna Roblin, Slobodan Milic, to various Neighborhood…
External feed Read More at the Source: https://ballot-access.org/2024/11/21/thirty-eight-greens-and-libertarians-win-nonpartisan-office/

The open-source hardware business landscape is no doubt a tough one, but is it actually tougher than for closed-source hardware? That question has been on our minds since the announcement that the latest 3D printer design from former open-source hardware stalwarts Prusa Research seems like it’s not going to come with design files.
Ironically, the new Core One is exactly the printer that enthusiasts have been begging Prusa to make for the last five years or more. Since seeing hacker printers like the Voron and even crazy machines like The 100 whip out prints at incredible speed, the decade-old fundamental design of Prusa’s i3 series looks like a slow and dated, if reliable, workhorse. “Bed slinger” has…
External feed Read More at the Source: https://hackaday.com/2024/11/23/open-source-forced-innovation-and-making-good-products/
Liberal democracy’s assumption that political parties must compete for votes in the same way that businesses compete for customers is a dangerous trap. It reduces voting to a mere transactional choice and erases the participatory vision of self-governance
If no party reflects your values, this isn’t a failure by elites to earn your vote but a sign that you aren’t sufficiently included in public decision-making. (Al Drago / Bloomberg via Getty Images) Most of us have a preferred political party. Even if we dislike many of its policies, its rhetoric, or its leader, and see our preference as a compromise, this party is closest to our values and is the alternative…
External feed Read More at the Source: https://jacobin.com/2024/11/political-parties-schumpeter-democracy-liberalism/