Dec 252022

Generally, when trying to implement some protocol, you are constrained by your hardware and time. But for someone like [EMMIR], that’s not enough. For example, NTSC-CRT is a video signal encoding/decoding simulator with no hardware acceleration, floating point math, or third-party libraries. Just basic C.
While NTSC has officially gone dark in America, people still make their own ATTiny-powered transmitters. NTSC is a bit of a strange standard and is sometimes referred to as never-twice-the-same color, but it does produce a distinct look.
That look is what [EMMIR] was going for. It encodes a message in a ppm format into NTSC and then back in ppm with some configurable noise. It can do this in real-time as an…

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 2022-12-25  Comments Off on Hackaday – Encoding NTSC With Your Hands Tied
Dec 242022

A startup claims it has launched weather balloons that may have released reflective sulfur particles in the stratosphere, potentially crossing a controversial barrier in the field of solar geoengineering. That refers to deliberate efforts to manipulate the climate by reflecting more sunlight back into space, mimicking a natural process that occurs in the aftermath of large volcanic eruptions. In theory, spraying sulfur and similar particles in sufficient quantities could potentially ease global warming. It’s not technically difficult to release such compounds in the stratosphere. But scientists have mostly refrained from carrying out even small-scale outdoor experiments (though not entirely). And it’s not clear that any have yet injected materials into that specific layer of the atmosphere in the…

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 2022-12-24  Comments Off on New on MIT Technology Review – A startup says it’s begun releasing particles into the atmosphere, in an effort to tweak the climate
Dec 242022

 I picked up a sample of incense from my favourite Indian shop in Southampton the other day –  Shekhar’s Natural Handmade Incense Sticks Nag Champa – and it put me in mind of Ramakrishna’s Natural Handmade Incense, which some people have been recommending to me, and I was curious to compare them, so I decided to explore Ramakrishna’s incense, and have bought a big selection via GoaBay. I’m happy I did – it’s good stuff. It doesn’t quite live up to the hype, but it’s worth getting at a reasonable price. There is little difference between Shekahr and Ramakrishna – the incense is clearly made in the same manner with the same recipes, and packaged in the same way. They…

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 2022-12-24  Comments Off on Incense In The Wind – Ramakrishna’s Natural Handmade Incense Sticks Orange
Dec 242022

Our Christmas present to you: a long-lost Eugene V. Debs article on the famed 1914 Christmas truce, in which German and British soldiers dropped their weapons for a day and played football together — displaying humanity in the face of barbarity.
An illustration of British and German troops suspending hostilities for Christmas in 1914. (Print Collector / Getty Images) The soldiers engaged in the European slaughter have become entirely too friendly with each other. They have in fact fraternized when they have had a chance instead of fratriciding.
And this has been pronounced a crime and threatened with punishment as the following cablegram explains:
The German army authorities have issued a general order…

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 2022-12-24  Comments Off on Jacobin – Eugene V. Debs on the 1914 Christmas Truce
Dec 232022

It was back in July 2021 that Haiku R1 Beta 3 was released for this spiritual successor to the BeOS operating system. Now before Christmas and closing out 2022, Haiku R1 Beta 4 has been released as the latest major milestone for this open-source operating system effort…

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 2022-12-23  Comments Off on Phoronix – Haiku R1 Beta 4 Released With Improved HiDPI, WiFi Updates, Wayland Compatibility Layer
Dec 212022

Radio Surveillance Music Hall: A sign says facial recognition is used as a security measure to ensure safety for guests and employees. Conlon says she posed no threat, but the guards still kicked her out with the explanation that they knew she was an attorney. […] Conlon is an associate with the New Jersey based law firm, Davis, Saperstein and Solomon, which for years has been involved in personal injury litigation against a restaurant venue now under the umbrella of MSG Entertainment. “I don’t practice in New York. I’m not an attorney that works on any cases against MSG,” said Conlon. But MSG said she was banned nonetheless — along with fellow attorneys in that…

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 2022-12-21  Comments Off on jwz – Facial Recognition Gets Girl Scout Mom Kicked Out
Dec 212022

A growing number of people are experimenting with federated alternatives to social media like Mastodon, either by joining an “instance” hosted by someone else or creating their own instance by running the free, open-source software on a server they control. (See more about this movement and joining the fediverse here).
The fediverse isn’t a single, gigantic social media platform like Facebook or Youtube. It’s an expanding ecosystem of interconnected sites and services that let people interact with each other no matter which one of these sites and services they have an account with. That means people can tailor and better control their own experience of social media and be less reliant on a monoculture developed by a handful…

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 2022-12-21  Comments Off on Deeplinks – User Generated Content and the Fediverse: A Legal Primer
Dec 212022

Today’s links

2023’s public domain is a banger: Hemingway! Holmes! Woolf! Pooh! Christie! Metropolis! Gershwin!

Hey look at this: Delights to delectate.

This day in history: 2002, 2012, 2017

Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading

2023’s public domain is a banger (permalink)
40 years ago, giant entertainment companies embarked on a slow-moving act of arson. The fuel for this arson was copyright term extension (making copyrights last longer), including retrospective copyright term extensions that took works out of the public domain and put them back into copyright for decades. Vast swathes of culture became off-limits, pseudo-property with absentee landlords, with much of it crumbling into dust.
After 55-75 years, only 2% of works have any commercial value. After 75…

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 2022-12-21  Comments Off on Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow – Pluralistic: 2023’s public domain is a banger (20 Dec 2022)
Dec 162022

You’re holding your staff meetings the wrong way

Apple has been accused of creating its own labor organization to prevent workers from forming an employee-run union, according to a complaint filed on Friday.…

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 2022-12-16  Comments Off on The Register – Apple ‘created decoy labor group’ to derail unionization
Dec 112022

Today’s links

Freedom of reach IS freedom of speech: The end-to-end principle is good, actually.

Hey look at this: Delights to delectate.

This day in history: 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017, 2021

Colophon: Recent publications, upcoming/recent appearances, current writing projects, current reading

Freedom of reach IS freedom of speech (permalink)
The online debate over free speech suuuuucks, and, amazingly, it’s getting worse. This week, it’s the false dichotomy between “freedom of speech” and “freedom of reach,” that is, the debate over whether a platform should override your explicit choices about what you want to see:
It’s wild that we’re still having this fight. It is literally the first internet fight! The modern internet was born out of an epic struggled between “Bellheads” (who believed…

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 2022-12-11  Comments Off on Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow – Pluralistic: Freedom of reach IS freedom of speech (10 Dec 2022)
Dec 082022

The Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit has issued a disappointing ruling in the case of Green v. DOJ. The ruling left intact a law that has stifled speech and innovation for decades and forced researchers, advocates, teachers, and tinkerers to beg for government permission to do their work. The silver lining: it left many issues in the case to be determined another day.
We partnered with law firm Wilson Sonsini to file this case in 2016 because Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act violates the First Amendment by threatening security research, remix video, media literacy education, access to culture for disabled people, and even the right to understand how your car works…

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 2022-12-08  Comments Off on Deeplinks – DC Circuit Evades Important Questions in Disappointing Ruling on Section 1201 of the DMCA
Dec 082022

Click here to go see the bonus panel!

The good news is by increasing productivity in the Bullshit Essay sector, students can focus on liquor, memes, and unfortunate casual encounters as God intended.

Today’s News:

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 2022-12-08  Comments Off on Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (updated daily) – Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Themes
Dec 082022

I’ll be back, or perhaps not

San Francisco legislators this week changed course on their killer robot policy, banning the police from using remote-control bots fitted with explosives. For now.…

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 2022-12-08  Comments Off on The Register – San Francisco terminates explosive killer cop bots
Dec 082022

The US has delayed yet again the requirement for “REAL ID” drivers
licenses for purposes such as getting on an commercial flight.

There is too much identifying and tracking people in the US.
Let’s keep resisting, and see how many years we can block this.

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 2022-12-08  Comments Off on Richard Stallman’s Political Notes – US “REAL ID” requirement delayed again
Dec 082022

It will come as no surprise to any regular reader here when I say that Nintendo is roughly the most annoyingly draconian protector of IP in the video game space. At this point, Techdirt posts discussing Nintendo’s copyright and trademark antics are legion. Notable among those posts for the purposes of this discussion are several online gaming tournaments that Nintendo has allowed to exist, often without a license, but which Nintendo has still been willing to shut down over the use of 3rd party tools that make it possible to stream older games on current hardware and over the internet better. Those shutdowns over the use of tools that have nothing to do with copyright infringement…

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 2022-12-08  Comments Off on Techdirt. – Nintendo Shuts Down ‘Smash World Tour’ Over Licensing At The Last Possible Second
Dec 012022

The U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C., will hear Stein v Federal Election Commission, 21-1213, on Wednesday, January 18. The issue is whether Jill Stein, the 2016 Green Party nominee, must repay $175,000 in primary season matching funds. The FEC shifted the rules in 2016. Previously, the primary period ended when the presidential candidate had finished campaigning for the last party nomination in the calendar, which for Stein was her campaign for the Peace & Freedom nomination, which nominated on August 13, 2016. But the FEC changed that rule, and said the primary season ended when she won the Green Party nomination on August 5. Therefore, the money Stein received between August 5 and August 13 could…

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 2022-12-01  Comments Off on Ballot Access News – D.C. Circuit Sets Hearing Date for Jill Stein’s Appeal on 2016 Primary Matching Funds Repayment
Nov 262022

“Federation” now apparently means “DDoS yourself.” Every time I do a new blog post, within a second I have over a thousand simultaneous hits of that URL on my web server from unique IPs. Load goes over 100, and mariadb stops responding.

The server is basically unusable for 30 to 60 seconds until the stampede of Mastodons slows down.

Presumably each of those IPs is an instance, none of which share any caching infrastructure with each other, and this problem is going to scale with my number of followers (followers’ instances).

This system is not a good system.

Previously, previously, previously.

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 2022-11-26  Comments Off on jwz – Mastodon stampede
Nov 262022

I’ve been playing with an Orbic Speed, a relatively outdated device that only speaks LTE Cat 4, but the towers I can see from here are, uh, not well provisioned so throughput really isn’t a concern (and refurbs are $18, so). As usual I’m pretty terrible at just buying devices and using them for their intended purpose, and in this case it has the irritating behaviour that if there’s a power cut and the battery runs out it doesn’t boot again when power returns, so here’s what I’ve learned so far.First, it’s clearly running Linux (nmap indicates that, as do the headers from the built-in webserver). The login page for the web interface has some text…

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 2022-11-26  Comments Off on Fedora People – Poking a mobile hotspot
Nov 262022

I’ve been playing with an Orbic Speed, a relatively outdated device that only speaks LTE Cat 4, but the towers I can see from here are, uh, not well provisioned so throughput really isn’t a concern (and refurbs are $18, so). As usual I’m pretty terrible at just buying devices and using them for their intended purpose, and in this case it has the irritating behaviour that if there’s a power cut and the battery runs out it doesn’t boot again when power returns, so here’s what I’ve learned so far.First, it’s clearly running Linux (nmap indicates that, as do the headers from the built-in webserver). The login page for the web interface has some text…

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 2022-11-26  Comments Off on Fedora People – Matthew Garrett: Poking a mobile hotspot