Feb 182023

Under U.S. copyright law, Internet providers must terminate the accounts of repeat infringers “in appropriate circumstances.”
Many ISPs have been reluctant to take such drastic measures, which triggered a wave of copyright infringement lawsuits in recent years.
Internet provider RCN is among the targeted providers. In 2021, the company was sued by several film companies, including the makers of The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard, London Has Fallen, and Hellboy.
The movie companies alleged that RCN wasn’t doing enough to stop subscribers from pirating on its network. Instead of terminating the accounts of persistent pirates, the Internet provider looked away, they argued.
The stakes in these liability lawsuits are high. Internet providers face damages claims reaching hundreds of millions of dollars, while…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://torrentfreak.com/filmmakers-request-identities-of-reddit-users-to-aid-piracy-lawsuit-230218/

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Feb 102023

On February 7, the Washington State Senate Committee on State Government and Elections passed SB 5209 by 4-3. It makes voting mandatory. Here is the text. It is sponsored by 14 Democratic State Senators: Sam Hunt, Andy Bilig, Lisa Wellman, Bob Hasegawa, Lisa Lovelett, Rebecca Saldana, Mark Liias, Steve Conway, Manka Dhingra, Karen Keiser, Patty Kuderer, Joe Nguyen, Javiere Valdez, and Claire Wilson.
It is ironic that a bill for mandatory voting is making headway in the state with one of the least choices on general election ballots. Washington uses a top-two system, so that there are never more than two candidate on the general election ballot for congress or any partisan state office. No minor party…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://ballot-access.org/2023/02/09/bill-for-mandatory-voting-advances-in-washington-legislature/

 2023-02-10  Comments Off on Ballot Access News – Bill for Mandatory Voting Advances in Washington Legislature
Feb 102023

Three weeks after Manuel Esteban Paez Terán was shot and killed by Georgia police while protesting the construction of Cop City, two hours of body camera footage released on Wednesday night confirm police fired dozens of shots.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/02/10/hfmf-f10.html

 2023-02-10  Comments Off on World Socialist Web Site (en) – Body camera footage from police killing of environmental activist shows Atlanta police speculating trooper was shot by fellow cop
Feb 082023

Handy thing, that First Amendment. Now, about the Second …

The US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a North Carolina police department policy prohibiting the livestreaming of traffic stops is unconstitutional unless the department can support its claim that broadcasting endangers officers.…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2023/02/09/us_livestream_police/

 2023-02-08  Comments Off on The Register – Americans have the right to livestream police traffic stops … probably
Feb 052023

The fonts seen with old computer systems such as those from Apple and Commodore, as well as Microsoft Windows 3.1 and older, form an integral part of our interaction with these systems. These days such bitmap fonts are a rarity, with scalable vector-based fonts having taken their place on modern-day systems. This unfortunately also means that these fonts are at major risk of being lost to the sands of time. This is where [Rob Hagemans] seeks to maintain an archive of such bitmap fonts, ranging from Acorn to MSX to Windows.
Many of these fonts are extracted from character ROMs, with a preview of some of these fonts available via the Monobit viewer. The fonts themselves are…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://hackaday.com/2023/02/04/reliving-a-bitmapped-past-with-a-veritable-hoard-of-bitmap-fonts/

 2023-02-05  Comments Off on Hackaday – Reliving a Bitmapped Past With a Veritable Hoard of Bitmap Fonts
Feb 052023

Australian pubs are starting to use facial recognition in areas with
gambling machines, to keep people out who have requested not to be
allowed to gamble.

The basic idea sounds harmless in principle. It would seem that if
you have not added yourself to the list of people to exclude, this
system won’t affect you. But is that really true?

I wonder who else will have access to the face scans of people who
visit the club? Will those scans go into a system connected to the

Will state agencies be able to add faces to the list of people to
exclude? Will state agencies be able to collect the face scans of
everyone that enters?

External feed Read More at the Source: https://stallman.org/archives/2022-nov-feb.html#3_February_2023_(aus_pubs_facial_recognition_gambling)

 2023-02-05  Comments Off on Richard Stallman’s Political Notes – ‘As terrifying as it is absurd’: Greens lash facial recognition plan for all NSW pubs and clubs
Feb 042023

Few things are harder to start than a narrative of the thing you “do” and what all the ramifications of it are. For people who don’t make it the center of their lives, your thing is already hopelessly complicated and gaining enough of a foothold to feign interest is olympic-level effort. For people who do make it the center, your description fills them with a never-abating dread that you’re going to get the explanation “wrong”, or that you’re going to give the Outsiders a bad impression. So let’s begin at the beginning, again. My parents’ divorce, taking place in the realm of the beginning of the 1980s, was not in any way friendly and in fact…

External feed Read More at the Source: http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/5443

 2023-02-04  Comments Off on ASCII by Jason Scott – Archiving in the Time of Streaming
Feb 022023

Self-driving cars are causing mayhem on SF streets In letters to the California Public Utilities Commission seeking to curtail their expansion, the city’s Municipal Transportation Agency and County Transportation Authority documented at least 92 incidents between late May and December where self-driving taxis created mayhem on city streets — disrupting traffic, Muni transit and emergency responders. Jan 22: Firefighters were battling a two-alarm apartment blaze on the corner of Hayes and Divisadero streets when a driverless Cruise car entered the active firefighting scene and nearly ran over fire hoses on the street. Firefighters at the scene stood in front of the car to try to get it to stop, but the autonomous vehicle came to…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2023/02/autonomous-murderbots-still-going-great/

 2023-02-02  Comments Off on jwz – Autonomous murderbots still going great
Feb 022023

What’s being presented by ShotSpotter as good news for people who feel they’ve been wrongly accused, doesn’t actually appear to be all that comforting.
ShotSpotter’s mic tech and AI combine forces to report possible gunshots to law enforcement customers. It’s very hit or miss, he said with all possible puns intended. ShotSpotter says it’s nearly 100% accurate and can play an important part in reducing gun crime.
Actual customers say something else:

A 2013 investigation of the effectiveness of ShotSpotter in Newark, New Jersey revealed that from 2010 to 2013, the system’s sensors alerted police 3,632 times, but only led to 17 actual arrests. According to the investigation, 75% of the gunshot alerts were false alarms.

97% accuracy? Not what…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/02/01/shotspotter-employees-not-only-have-the-power-to-alter-gunshot-reports-but-do-it-nearly-10-of-the-time/

 2023-02-02  Comments Off on Techdirt. – ShotSpotter Employees Not Only Have The Power To Alter Gunshot Reports, But Do It Nearly 10% Of The Time
Jan 212023

[Bruce Land] of Cornell University will be a familiar name to many Hackaday readers, searching the site for ‘ECE4760′ will bring up many interesting topics around embedded programming. Every year [Bruce] releases yet more of the students’ work out into the wild to our great delight. This RP2040-based project is a bit more abstract than some previous work and shows yet another implementation of an older hack to utilise the DMA hardware of the RP2040 as another CPU core. While the primary focus of the RP2040 DMA subsystem is moving data between memory spaces, with minimal CPU intervention, the DMA control blocks have some fairly complex behaviour. This allows for a Turing-complete CPU to be implemented purely…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://hackaday.com/2023/01/20/help-needed-on-thumb-image-rp2040-dma-hack-makes-another-cpu-core/

 2023-01-21  Comments Off on Hackaday – RP2040 DMA Hack Makes Another ‘CPU Core’
Jan 102023

While European companies have begun experimenting with four-day workweeks, American companies have yet to adopt the practice. The Onion asked American CEOs to explain why they oppose a shorter workweek, and this is what they said.

Read more…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.theonion.com/ceos-explain-why-they-oppose-a-4-day-workweek-1849920651

 2023-01-10  Comments Off on The Onion – CEOs Explain Why They Oppose A 4-Day Workweek
Dec 272022

Many American teenagers have so little experience of independent activity
that they perceive basic adult activities as risky.

It is plausible that this is a frequent result of treating adolescents
like children, and children like infants.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://stallman.org/archives/2022-sep-dec.html#26_December_2022_(American_teenagers_perceive_basic_adult_activities_as_risky)

 2022-12-27  Comments Off on Richard Stallman’s Political Notes – American teenagers perceive basic adult activities as risky
Dec 272022

There is a PostgreSQL major release every year, and every release has
about 200 changes listed
in the release notes. A handful of those are typically listed at the
top as “major items”, which are highlighted for the benefit of the
public. Sometimes, a feature that was not highlighted as major turns out later
to have a significant impact. Consider these features that flew under
the radar at the time: PostgreSQL 9.4: replication slots This is the one that always comes to my mind when I think back about “hidden gems”. At the time perhaps not fully understood, replication slots are now absolutely essential for any replication setup. PostgreSQL 9.5: pg_rewind pg_rewind existed as an external project outside…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://postgr.es/p/5Aj

 2022-12-27  Comments Off on Planet PostgreSQL – Peter Eisentraut: PostgreSQL hidden gems
Dec 262022

Internationally renowned rock musician and political activist Roger Waters has released an extended play recording of six songs from his Pink Floyd and solo catalog that highlight his decades of opposition to imperialist war and the threat of nuclear annihilation.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/12/27/nfjw-d27.html

 2022-12-26  Comments Off on World Socialist Web Site (en) – Roger Waters releases new versions of antiwar tracks on The Lockdown Sessions EP
Dec 262022

Hopefully, you already know who Tom Lehrer is, and are already familiar with his music, but if you’re somehow in the dark, I suggest you read this excellent profile, or visit his unofficial official YouTube channel. Or, visit his website where you can download everything for free (he even begs you not to send him money).
We’ve written about Lehrer twice before, both regarding his views on effectively releasing his music in the public domain. Back in 2014, we wrote about how a fan had basically put all of his works on YouTube, and then contacted Lehrer to apologize. Lehrer told him there was nothing to apologize for: he was glad the works were out there. The…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/12/26/tom-lehrer-puts-whatever-he-hadnt-already-donated-to-the-public-domain-into-the-public-domain/

 2022-12-26  Comments Off on Techdirt. – Tom Lehrer Puts Whatever He Hadn’t Already Donated To The Public Domain Into The Public Domain
Dec 262022

EFF and our supporters have fought off numerous wrongheaded attempts by Congress to regulate online speech, including several that we wrote about last December.
The bevy of bad internet regulation proposals coming out of Congress hasn’t stopped. In 2022, the EARN IT Act was re-introduced. This wrongheaded bill would have allowed states to strip away critical legal protections for any websites, apps, or platforms, as long as state lawmakers linked their proposals to child abuse. If passed, the EARN IT Act would encourage censorship and prod companies away from using encryption. 
This bill, which produced massive pushback from EFF supporters, died in the Senate, but not before a committee vote that endorsed the bill.
Meanwhile, two laws that were…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/12/2022-battle-online-speech-moved-us-courts

 2022-12-26  Comments Off on Deeplinks – The Battle For Online Speech Moved To U.S. Courts: 2022 in Review
Dec 262022

FISHERS, IN—An encouraging scene reportedly unfolded at a local Kroger supermarket Monday morning when a local woman’s existential horror at the wealthy elite selling off humanity’s future was successfully sublimated into yelling at a cashier. Sources confirmed that Teresa Baker showed an astounding capacity for…

Read more…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.theonion.com/existential-horror-at-wealthy-elite-selling-off-humanit-1849716566

 2022-12-26  Comments Off on The Onion – Existential Horror At Wealthy Elite Selling Off Humanity’s Future Successfully Sublimated Into Yelling At Cashier
Dec 262022

Socialist New York City councilor Tiffany Cabán recently introduced legislation requiring “just cause” for firing workers. We spoke to a labor law scholar about why scrapping “at-will” employment would bring a major measure of democracy to the workplace.
Under the existing “at-will” employment regime, most workers in the United States could be fired tomorrow for any reason, without explanation. (E. F. Joseph / Anthony Potter Collection / Getty Images) In the United States, we often take for granted the immense power our employers have over us. Consider, for instance, the fact that your boss could fire you tomorrow for absolutely no reason. Didn’t get a hearing to defend yourself? What about…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://jacobin.com/2022/12/at-will-employment-just-cause-nyc-caban/

 2022-12-26  Comments Off on Jacobin – What Is “At-Will Employment,” and Why Does It Matter?
Dec 262022

Input Labs’ mission is to produce open-source hardware and software for creating gaming controllers that can be adapted to anyone. Alpakka is their current take on a generic controller, looking similar to a modern Xbox or PlayStation controller but with quite a few differences. The 3D printed casing has a low-poly count, angular feel to it, but if you don’t like that you can tweak that in blender to just how you want it. Alpakka emulates a standard USB-attached keyboard, mouse, and Xinput gamepad in parallel so should just work out for both Linux and Windows PC platforms. The firmware includes some built-in game profiles, which can be selected on the controller.
No special parts here, just 3D prints, a…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://hackaday.com/2022/12/22/alpakka-a-creative-commons-game-controller/

 2022-12-26  Comments Off on Hackaday – Alpakka: A Creative Commons Game Controller