May 312024

The American and European imperialist powers are recklessly escalating the war with nuclear-armed Russia towards a global conflagration, which can be halted only through the political mobilisation of the international working class in opposition to imperialist war.

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 2024-05-31  Comments Off on World Socialist Web Site (en) – Biden gives go-ahead for NATO attacks on Russia: A new stage in the escalating imperialist world war
May 302024

404 Media has a good article explaining the new DOJ suit: The Justice Department’s antitrust lawsuit against Live Nation/Ticketmaster isn’t really about high ticket prices, or ticket scalpers, or any individual offense. It is about a systematic vertical integration of the entire live music business, which has led to the company’s dominance over tickets, yes, but also over live music venues, artists’ tour booking, and concert promotion. […] In simple terms, Live Nation, which owns Ticketmaster, is not just selling fans tickets on It owns, operates, or has exclusive contracts with the vast majority of midsized and large concert venues, and a supermajority of all outdoor pavilions and amphitheaters. And it has a…

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 2024-05-30  Comments Off on jwz – DNA Lounge: Wherein DOJ finally has the knives out for multinational superpredator Live Nation / Ticketmaster.
May 212024

A Texas age verification law will rob people of anonymity online, chill access to speech for privacy- and security-minded internet users, and entirely block some adults from accessing constitutionally protected online content, EFF argued in a brief filed with the Supreme Court last week.
EFF joined the Woodhull Freedom Foundation in filing a friend-of-the-court brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to grant review of—and ultimately overturn—the Fifth Circuit’s decision upholding the Texas law.
Last year, the state of Texas passed HB 1181 in a misguided attempt to shield minors from certain online content. The law requires all Texas internet users, including adults, to complete invasive “age verification” procedures on every website the state deems to be at least…

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 2024-05-21  Comments Off on Deeplinks – EFF Urges Supreme Court to Reject Texas’ Speech-Chilling Age Verification Law
May 182024

Laying out
to make US mail less reliable and frequently but unpredictably slower.

The anticipated slowdowns will interfere with postal voting. Many ballots will
arrive late due to USPS delays and then will not be counted.

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 2024-05-18  Comments Off on Richard Stallman’s Political Notes – US Mail system as degradable
May 172024

Enlarge (credit: Tim Robberts | DigitalVision)
After launching Slack AI in February, Slack appears to be digging its heels in, defending its vague policy that by default sucks up customers’ data—including messages, content, and files—to train Slack’s global AI models.
According to Slack engineer Aaron Maurer, Slack has explained in a blog that the Salesforce-owned chat service does not train its large language models (LLMs) on customer data. But Slack’s policy may need updating “to explain more carefully how these privacy principles play with Slack AI,” Maurer wrote on Threads, partly because the policy “was originally written about the search/recommendation work we’ve been doing for years prior to Slack AI.”
Maurer was responding to a…

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 2024-05-17  Comments Off on Ars Technica – Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training
May 142024

Flock Safety wants in on the law enforcement surveillance action. It began making inroads by appealing to the next best fascists: homeowners associations. Pitching its ALPRs (automatic license plate readers) to gated communities, Flock promises a crime-free future its pseudo-research can’t back up.
Not that any of that mattered to any of these suburban authoritarians. All they knew is they had cameras capable of surveilling unwanted “intruders,” even if these were just lost drivers, people passing through their “exclusive” neighborhoods on the way to their own less-exclusive neighborhoods, or just kind of “brown.”
Since the rich and the (predominately) white consider law enforcement to be little more than a customer service department, pitching to HOAs meant drawing in…

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 2024-05-14  Comments Off on Techdirt. – Flock Safety Customers Continue To Act As Government Contractors, Only Without All That Pesky Paperwork
May 112024

KDE developer Xaver Hugl has written a third blog post outlining some of the latest HDR and color management improvements that have been readied for KDE’s KWin compositor as well as ongoing improvements to Valve’s Gamescope compositor…

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 2024-05-11  Comments Off on Phoronix – KDE Making Good Progress On HDR, Better Gamescope Integration
May 112024

Usually when we see arcade cabinet builds, they’re your standard single-player stand up variety. Even one of them takes up quite a bit of room, so as appealing as it might be to link up two or more cabinets together for the occasional multiplayer session, the space required makes it a non-starter for most of us.
But this cleverly designed 4-player cocktail cabinet from [OgrishGadgeteer] goes a long way towards solving that problem. The circular design of the cabinet gives each player a clear view of their respective display in a much smaller footprint than would otherwise be possible, and the glass top allows the whole thing to double as an actual cocktail table when it’s not…

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 2024-05-11  Comments Off on Hackaday – Gather ‘Round This Unique 4-Player Arcade Cabinet
May 112024

Survivors of the October 7 attacks filed a lawsuit in U.S. federal court last week alleging links between Hamas and the pro-Palestinian student groups leading nationwide protests against Israel’s war on Gaza. The survivors claim the student groups are liable for monetary damages because of the purported terrorism links. “When someone tells you they are aiding and abetting terrorists — believe them.” That’s the opening line the suit filed Wednesday against the Palestinian advocacy groups American Muslims for Palestine and National Students for Justice in Palestine, the umbrella group supporting student organizers for Palestine, which supports more than 350 Palestine solidarity groups, including more than 200 campus organizations across the country. The lawsuit is part of…

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 2024-05-11  Comments Off on The Intercept – October 7 Survivors Sue Campus Protesters, Say Students Are “Hamas’s Propaganda Division”
May 072024

Sperm whales are fascinating creatures. They possess the biggest brain of any species, six times larger than a human’s, which scientists believe may have evolved to support intelligent, rational behavior. They’re highly social, capable of making decisions as a group, and they exhibit complex foraging behavior.   But there’s also a lot we don’t know about them, including what they may be trying to say to one another when they communicate using a system of short bursts of clicks, known as codas. Now, new research published in Nature Communications today suggests that sperm whales’ communication is actually much more expressive and complicated than was previously thought.  A team of researchers led by Pratyusha Sharma at MIT’s Computer…

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 2024-05-07  Comments Off on New on MIT Technology Review – The way whales communicate is closer to human language than we realized
May 012024

Kelly Merrill, Jill Stein, Jason Call with arrest charges. April 28, 2024. Photo by Barbara Chicherio.
After attacking Dr. Jill Stein, St. Louis police charged her with assaulting them.  Stein is the presumptive Presidential candidate of the Green Party.  On April 27 she spoke at a program of the Green Party of St. Louis and then went to support student protesters at Washington University.  There, she was arrested along with Green Party campaign managers Jason Call and Kelly Merrill with about 100 others.
As students peacefully gathered in tents and on the lawn, they were soon confronted by police from four departments: University City, Richmond Heights, St. Louis City and St. Louis County.  When Stein arrived at the…

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 2024-05-01  Comments Off on – Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Attacked in St. Louis
May 012024

Although the youth vote was integral in his victory against Donald Trump in the 2020 election, Joe Biden’s approval ratings have tanked amongst 18-to-27-year-olds. If President Biden is interested in winning back Gen Z voters, he’ll have to do the following things.

Read more…

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 2024-05-01  Comments Off on The Onion – What Biden Can Do To Win Over Gen Z