The hyperbolic rhetoric that is a feature of the copyright industry, which tries absurdly to characterize making an additional digital copy as “theft”, can lead to some serious legislative harm. For example, Germany is currently aiming to bring in a new law against “digital violence” – things like bullying and stalking, but also identity abuse and theft. In the worst cases of digital violence, it may lead to real violence, with lives threatened. That makes legislation to curb it reasonable. But along the way, something unreasonable is happening, spotted here by Netzpolitik (translation by DeepL):
the planned law against digital violence is not only aimed at perpetrators of digital violence. It regulates “all cases of unlawful infringement of absolute rights”….
As my entry for PGSQL Phriday #008, I want to give some example queries you can use with pg_stat_statements as a starting point for different challenges!Reduce your workloadIf you’re looking to reduce load on your system as a whole, a great starting point is looking at your statements by total time, for example: select (total_exec_time + total_plan_time)::int as total_time, total_exec_time::int, total_plan_time::int, mean_exec_time::int, calls, query
from pg_stat_statements
order by total_time desc
limit 50; This will return the 50 queries that take the most time across all calls, meaning that fast queries that are executed a lot can rank ahead of slow queries that are executed infrequently. This is likely to be a good proxy for which queries are responsible for…
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A North Carolina Senate committee recently approved a bill that will require districts to provide for a three-year option to graduate high school and funnels over a billion dollars into private schools.
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Airbnb is destroying communities which many people like to visit, as
many houses in them are now used as hotel rooms and there is not much in the way of housing to rent for all year.I would never use airbnb anyway, since you are required to (1) run
nonfree software and (2) identify yourself to the company. I don’t mind
if the owner of the apartment or room knows who I am, but not a company!
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