Oct 252022

Israel has announced new apartheid rules that would greatly interfere
with anything but a short visit to Palestinian territory.
People born in the few countries where most Palestinian refugees live
would be banned entirely from entering Palestinian territory.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://stallman.org/archives/2022-jul-oct.html#25_October_2022_(Israel_apartheid_rules)

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Oct 252022

Former staff describe threat as a ‘heist’ and ‘outright attack’ on pension scheme

IBM intends to withhold tens of thousands of dollars each from certain retired staff unless they agree to the IT giant’s demands.…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2022/10/21/ibm_will_withhold_healthcare_subsidies/

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Oct 252022

PostgreSQL 15 has now the capability to output logs in JSON format! PostgreSQL 15: logging in JSON The freshly released PostgreSQL 15 introduces a lot of new features and improvements, but one, according to me, is going to change the way our favourite database is monitored: the capability to log daemon status in JSON.

Essentially, the log_destination configuration parameter now has another enumerated value: jsonlog. When this value is added to log_destination, PostgreSQL will start to emit JSON structured logs.
Here it is a simple configuration example:

% grep log_destination /postgres/15/data/postgresql.conf
log_destination = ‘stderr,jsonlog’

and this is how the log directory appears right after the configuration has been reloaded:

% sudo -u postgres ls /postgres/15/data/log -1

Clearly the…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://postgr.es/p/5r9

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