Jul 082022

Bucking a trend set by two separate Appeals Courts (Ninth and Tenth), a federal court in Texas has said it is actually a violation of rights when cops destroy an innocent person’s home to effect an arrest. What’s more, a jury has backed up that decision with actual compensation. (h/t The Honest Courtesan)

Today, a federal jury ruled that Vicki Baker is entitled to $59,656.59 in damages after a SWAT team destroyed her McKinney, Texas, home while pursuing a fleeing fugitive in July 2020. The ruling is a victory for Vicki, who joined forces with the Institute for Justice (IJ) to file a lawsuit in March 2021, after the city refused to pay for the damage that had been…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/07/07/jury-says-texas-city-must-pay-woman-60k-after-cops-destroyed-her-home-to-apprehend-a-suspect/

 2022-07-08  Comments Off on Techdirt. – Jury Says Texas City Must Pay Woman $60k After Cops Destroyed Her Home To Apprehend A Suspect