Jun 022023

The latest evidence that Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) must be ended or drastically reformed came last month in the form of a newly unsealed order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) detailing massive violations of Americans’ privacy by the FBI.
The FISC order is replete with problems. It describes the government’s repeated, widespread violations—over a seven-year period—of procedures for searching its databases of internet communications involving Americans, all without a warrant. These searches included especially sensitive people and groups, including donors to a political campaign. And it shows the FISC giving the FBI all-but-endless do-overs, each time proclaiming that the executive branch has made “promising” steps toward compliance with procedures that…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/06/foreign-intelligence-surveillance-court-has-made-mockery-constitutional-right

 2023-06-02  Comments Off on Deeplinks – The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Has Made a Mockery of the Constitutional Right to Privacy
Jun 022023

Just when we didn’t think the state of Texas could get any more wacko on tech policy, this latest bill really suggests otherwise. House Bill 1181 is an age verification measure that is similar to what we’ve seen in the state legislatures across other red U.S. states.
You have an age verification proposal that is similar to Louisiana Act 440 and Utah’s Senate Bill 287 – all porn sites with users from these states must have a government ID or a credit card in order to verify age in order to watch age-restricted content. But, the bill itself takes an extreme turn in the guise of protecting the general public’s health.
House Bill 1181, introduced by a team of anti-porn legislators,…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/06/01/texas-age-verification-bill-would-plaster-health-warnings-on-porn-sites/

 2023-06-02  Comments Off on Techdirt. – Texas Age Verification Bill Would Plaster Health Warnings On Porn Sites
Jun 012023

I grew up in a small town with a small library. The next town over had what I thought at the time was a big library, but it was actually more like my town had a tiny library, and the next one over had an actual small library. When I left to go to University, I found out what a real library looked like, and I was mesmerized. Books! Lots of books, many of them written in the current decade. My grades probably suffered from the amount of time I spent in the library reading things that didn’t directly relate to my classes. But there was one thing I found that would turn out to be…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://hackaday.com/2023/06/01/farewell-american-computer-magazines/

 2023-06-01  Comments Off on Hackaday – Farewell American Computer Magazines
Jun 012023

The shock closure yesterday of one of the world’s oldest and most reliable torrent sites ranks as one of the biggest surprises in recent years.
Founded in 2008, RARBG had a reputation for taking the fundamentals seriously. The site offered the usual spread of movies and TV shows, available in various qualities and numerous file sizes. The site didn’t cover every single release but when trawling the archives, it certainly felt like it might.
Consistent, Organized, Predictable
RARBG also became known for consistently offering subtitles for most movie and TV show releases. Long before legal streaming services made any serious attempt, RARBG’s curation of subtitles helped the deaf enjoy films again, without any of the frustrations associated with mislabeled…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://torrentfreak.com/rarbg-over-267000-movie-tv-show-magnet-links-appear-online-230601/

 2023-06-01  Comments Off on TorrentFreak – RARBG: Over 267,000 Movie & TV Show Magnet Links Appear Online
Jun 012023

Enlarge / This Dolphin is not currently under legal threat from Nintendo. (credit: Flickr / Andreas Ahrens)
When it comes to emulation, Nintendo has a long history of going after the websites that distribute copyrighted game ROMs and some of the modders that make piracy-enabling hardware. But Nintendo’s legal takedown efforts have generally stayed away from emulation software itself.
This weekend saw an exception to that rule, though, as Nintendo’s lawyers formally asked Valve to cut off the planned Steam release of Wii and Gamecube emulator Dolphin. In a letter addressed to the Valve Legal Department (a copy of which was provided to Ars by the Dolphin Team), an attorney representing Nintendo of America…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://arstechnica.com/?p=1943266

 2023-06-01  Comments Off on Ars Technica – The solid legal theory behind Nintendo’s new emulator takedown effort
Jun 012023

We’ve written a lot about AB 2273, California’s Age Appropriate Design Code (AADC) that requires websites with users in California to try to determine the ages of all their visitors, write up dozens of reports on potential harms, and then seek to mitigate those harms. I’ve written about why it’s literally impossible to comply with the law. We’ve had posts on how it conflicts with privacy laws and how it’s a radical experimentation on children (ironically, the drafters of the bill insist that they’re trying to stop experimentation on children).
We’ve also written about how NetChoice, an internet company trade group, has sued to block the law as unconstitutional, and how I filed a declaration explaining how…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/06/01/governor-newsom-desperately-begs-netchoice-to-drop-its-lawsuit-over-unconstitutional-aadc-bill/

 2023-06-01  Comments Off on Techdirt. – Governor Newsom Desperately Begs NetChoice To Drop Its Lawsuit Over Unconstitutional AADC Bill
May 312023

Residents gathered in Davenport, Iowa, on Monday and Tuesday to demonstrate against the planned demolition of a partially collapsed century-old apartment building.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/05/31/ovxm-m31.html

 2023-05-31  Comments Off on World Socialist Web Site (en) – Protest erupts against demolition of collapsed building in Iowa while five residents remain unaccounted for
May 272023

On certain special occasions we bust out the D20 drink special: you roll a die and take what you get. That special occasion was this week’s Rhapsody of Fire show, which I am told featured the nascent genre of Dwarf Metal. Lots of attendees had plastic swords, and one dude was in plate mail.

Anyway, this was possibly the most popular drink special we’ve ever had — we sold 160 of them, which means that statistically we’d have sold like eight Cement Mixers in one night, and people paid for them, which also has to be a record of some kind!

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.dnalounge.com/backstage/log/2023/05/27.html

 2023-05-27  Comments Off on jwz – DNA Lounge: Wherein we roll a D20
May 272023

The State Security Department at the Berlin State Criminal Police Office has announced that a criminal investigation has been initiated against Roger Waters for “incitement of hatred” for dressing in a Nazi-like uniform during his recent concerts in the capital city of Germany.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/05/27/fheu-m27.html

 2023-05-27  Comments Off on World Socialist Web Site (en) – Berlin police open criminal investigation aimed at silencing Roger Waters
May 262023

Do you think Tcl/Tk GUIs are doomed to look outdated? Fear not! A treeview widget: The official example of Forest Light: The ttkthemes gallery Plus, Tk itself has a little choice of built-in themes: We can use these themes with nodgui, the Ltk fork. In June of 2020, @cage added a little function to load a .tcl file: (defun eval-tcl-file (file-path) “This function will feed the TCL interpreter with the contents of the file `path’. Please, as this function will load and execute a script, ensure to load files only from trusted sources otherwise severe security problem may arise.” (assert (stringp file-path))…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://lisp-journey.gitlab.io/blog/pretty-gui-in-common-lisp-with-nodgui-tk-themes/

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on Planet Lisp – vindarel: Pretty GUI in Common Lisp with nodgui’s Tk themes
May 262023

In a landmark May Day ruling called Lion Elastomers, the National Labor Relations Board restored the rights of union representatives to use heated language, including occasional profanity, during arguments with management.

The Board ordered employer Lion Elastomers to reinstate steward Joseph Colone with full back pay going back to a 2018 discharge.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://labornotes.org/2023/05/biden-labor-board-restores-right-use-heated-language

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on [Unknown] – Biden Labor Board Restores Right to Use Heated Language
May 262023

In his concurrence, Justice Gorsuch called the Supreme Court’s decision last week in the Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith case a narrow one of statutory interpretation, ostensibly doing nothing more than interpreting the breadth of the first fair use factor (“the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes”) the copyright statute lists for determining whether the use of an existing copyrighted work is fair.
But the majority’s decision, written by Justice Sotomayor, was hardly narrow; it was a decision that fundamentally rewrote the operational axis of our current copyright law. As a result, it does enormous damage to expressive freedom while also creating…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/25/the-warhol-decision-how-scotus-forgot-the-first-amendment-turned-copyright-into-a-liability-time-bomb/

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on Techdirt. – The Warhol Decision: How SCOTUS Forgot The First Amendment & Turned Copyright Into A Liability Time Bomb
May 262023

SAN FRANCISCO—Seventy-one California police agencies in 22 counties must immediately stop sharing automated license plate reader (ALPR) data with law enforcement agencies in other states because it violates California law and could enable prosecution of abortion seekers and providers elsewhere, three civil liberties groups demanded Thursday in letters to those agencies.
The letters from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (ACLU NorCal), and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California (ACLU SoCal) gave the agencies a deadline of June 15 to comply and respond. A months-long EFF investigation involving hundreds of public records requests uncovered that many California police departments share records containing detailed driving profiles of local residents…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.eff.org/press/releases/civil-liberties-groups-demand-california-police-stop-sharing-drivers-location-data

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on Deeplinks – Civil Liberties Groups Demand California Police Stop Sharing Drivers’ Location Data With Police In Anti-Abortion States
May 262023

The US hospice system is supposed to provide compassionate end-of-life care. But private equity firms have swallowed up the industry: 7 out of 10 hospice agencies are now for-profit, putting profit maximization over patient well-being.
In recent years, private equity has exploited both fragmentation in the hospice sector and gaping holes in oversight left by federal agencies. (Justin Paget / DigitalVision via Getty Images) Though the majority of Americans spend the final weeks of their lives in hospice care, the United States only got its first hospice, the Connecticut Hospice, in 1974. Today, just under a half century later, over 5,500 hospices provide services for the dying; in 2020, 1.72 million…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://jacobin.com/2023/05/private-equity-hospice-care-profit-regulation/

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on Jacobin – Profit-Obsessed Private Equity Is Now Dominating the US Hospice System
May 262023

We’ve all been there before — you need some 3D printable design that you figure must be common enough that somebody has already designed it, so you point your browser to Thingiverse or Printables, and in a few minutes you’ve got STL in hand and are ready to slice and print. If the design worked for you, perhaps you’ll go back and post an image of your print and leave a word of thanks to the designer.
Afterwards, you’ll probably never give that person a second thought for the rest of your life. Within a day or two, there’s a good chance you won’t even remember their username. It’s why most of the model sharing sites will…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://hackaday.com/2023/05/25/3d-model-subscriptions-are-coming-but-whos-buying/

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on Hackaday – 3D Model Subscriptions are Coming, But Who’s Buying?
May 262023

Perfectly normal, non-dystopian timeline. NEDA, the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to eating disorders, has had a helpline for the last twenty years that provided support to hundreds of thousands of people via chat, phone call, and text. […] “We asked for adequate staffing and ongoing training to keep up with our changing and growing Helpline, and opportunities for promotion to grow within NEDA. We didn’t even ask for more money,” Harper wrote. “When NEDA refused [to recognize our union], we filed for an election with the National Labor Relations Board and won on March 17. Then, four days after our election results were certified, all four of us were told we were being let go…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2023/05/eating-disorder-helpline-fires-staff-transitions-to-chatbot-after-unionization/

 2023-05-26  Comments Off on jwz – Eating Disorder Helpline Fires Staff, Transitions to Chatbot After Unionization
May 242023

Enlarge (credit: Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images North America)
The FBI isn’t supposed to use its most controversial spy tool to snoop on emails, texts, and other private communications of Americans or anyone located in the United States. However, that didn’t stop the FBI from sometimes knowingly using its Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 powers to conduct warrantless searches on US persons more than 280,000 times in 2020 and 2021, according to new disclosures. US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) described the searches as  “shocking abuses.”
Among the most concerning so-called backdoor searches on Americans were disclosures that the FBI ran more than 23,000 queries on people involved in storming the US Capitol,…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://arstechnica.com/?p=1941492

 2023-05-24  Comments Off on Ars Technica – Widespread FBI abuse of foreign spy law sets off “alarm bells,” tech group says
May 232023

I’m about to write an essay that will lead to mass misinterpretation or out of context quoting, and before I get into that situation (intentionally), I have to create this entire sidebar to talk about a social construct I’ve observed over the years. I’ve spoken elsewhere about the Inside Out, but this is a different online (and offline) situation to that. Very quickly: The “Inside Out” is my belief that there are people who believe they are in private spaces online that are in fact not private at all but they’re absolutely convinced of it and the resulting friction is nearly blinding when it comes to a head. What I’m talking about is something else entirely….

External feed Read More at the Source: http://ascii.textfiles.com/archives/5528

 2023-05-23  Comments Off on ASCII by Jason Scott – The Great Aboveground Empire
May 222023

This is the latest installment of our Licensing and Compliance Lab’s series on free software developers who choose GNU licenses for their works.

External feed Read More at the Source: http://www.fsf.org/blogs/licensing/frans-de-jonge-tells-us-about-koreader-in-this-agplv3-interview

 2023-05-22  Comments Off on Planet GNU – FSF Blogs: Frans de Jonge tells us about KOReader in this AGPLv3 interview
May 212023

A North Carolina State Court of Appeals will soon decide how many signatures an independent candidate needs to get on the ballot for Orange County Commissioner. The law says an independent needs 4% of the number of registered voters in the district. In Orange County, there are two rounds for County Commissioner elections. In the first round, the voters of district two are the only voters. But in the run-off, the entire county votes.

See this story. The independent candidate, Connor Fraley, argues that the 4% should be calculated on the number of registered voters in district two, not in the entire county. He lost in the lower court but is appealing.

External feed Read More at the Source: https://ballot-access.org/2023/05/20/north-carolina-state-court-ponders-how-to-interpret-law-on-number-of-signatures-for-an-independent-candidate/

 2023-05-21  Comments Off on Ballot Access News – North Carolina State Court Ponders How to Interpret Law on Number of Signatures for an Independent Candidate