Dec 132023

What is really behind the suppression of the anti-genocide resolution is the fact that it was headed for victory, something the billionaire donors and regents, Democratic and Republican politicians, and Pentagon, CIA and State Department officials who collectively run the university would not allow.

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Dec 132023

[Raymond Chen] wondered why the x86 ENTER instruction had a strange second parameter that seems to always be set to zero. If you’ve ever wondered, [Raymond] explains what he learned in a recent blog post.
If you’ve ever taken apart the output of a C compiler or written assembly programs,  you probably know that ENTER is supposed to set up a new stack frame. Presumably, you are in a subroutine, and some arguments were pushed on the stack for you. The instruction puts the pointer to those arguments in EBP and then adjusts the stack pointer to account for your local variables. That local variable size is the first argument to ENTER.
The reason you rarely see it…

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Dec 132023

Konstantin Ryabitsev has announced
that the movement of kernel mailing lists away from the venerable system is nearly complete:

Over the past few months we’ve migrated all of the mailing lists, with the exception of the Big One (linux-kernel, aka LKML). This list alone is responsible for about 80% of all vger mailing list traffic, so we left it for the last.

This Thursday, December 14, at 11AM Pacific (19:00 UTC), we will switch the MX record for vger to point to the new location (, which will complete the mailing list migration from the legacy vger server to the new infrastructure.

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