Aug 072020

Spreadsheet woes spanning 16+ years force official update Geneticists have issued new guidelines in naming human genes – after spending years wrestling with Microsoft Excel and similar software that automatically converts the names of genes to dates.…

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 2020-08-07  Comments Off on Geneticists throw hands in the air, change gene naming rules to finally stop Microsoft Excel eating their data The Register
Aug 072020

There’s this dumb but persistent meme in American culture that somehow the First Amendment simply doesn’t exist within the walls of a public school district. This is patently false. What is true is that there have been very famous court cases that have determined that speech rights for students at school may be slightly curtailed and must face tests over “substantial disruption” of the speech in question in order to have it limited. Named after…

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 2020-08-07  Comments Off on Georgia School District Inadvertently Begins Teaching Lessons In First Amendment Protections After Viral Photo Techdirt.
Aug 072020

Proposals to use the tracking capabilities of our cell phones to help fight COVID-19 have probably received more attention than any other technology issue during the pandemic. Here at the ACLU, we have been skeptical of schemes to use apps for contact tracing or exposure warnings from the beginning, but it is clearer than ever that such tools are unlikely to work, and that the debate over such tracking is largely a sideshow to the…

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 2020-08-07  Comments Off on Tracking Apps are Unlikely to Help Stop COVID-19 American Civil Liberties Union