Jun 152020

griffincandey:So, the bar I work at opened back up last night, and I gotta say, y’all: Just fucking don’t go to restaurants right now. Just don’t do it.I understand that people want to support restaurants that they love, but there’s a level of nonchalance here that really betrays how poorly America is dealing with this pandemic.America has a considerably higher rate of COVID cases and fatalities in relation to our population than most other countries.…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2020/06/b-b-but-patio-seating-so-fucking-what/

 2020-06-15  Comments Off on “B-b-but patio seating!” So fucking what. jwz
Jun 152020

In the previous post I briefly mentioned ongoing work about adding interactive train station and airport maps to KDE Itinerary. Here are some more details on what this is about. Goals Some of the public transport backend services actually provide links to images or PDF files with a map for all stops or stations involved in a journey, showing those would be fairly straightforward and would even give us the official maps of the corresponding…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.volkerkrause.eu/2020/06/13/kde-itinerary-osm-indoor-maps

 2020-06-15  Comments Off on OSM Indoor Maps for KDE Itinerary Planet KDE
Jun 152020

On June 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, issued a 13-page opinion in Level the Playing Field v Federal Election Commission, 19-5117. The decision says the Commission’s policy of limiting the general election debates to candidates who are at 15% at the polls in September does not violate any federal campaign laws. The ruling says, “American politics has, for most of American history, been organized around two parties.” The ruling says the 15%…

External feed Read More at the Source: http://ballot-access.org/2020/06/12/d-c-circuit-upholds-commission-on-presidential-debates/

 2020-06-15  Comments Off on D.C. Circuit Upholds Commission on Presidential Debates Ballot Access News
Jun 152020

Language matters – though replacing ‘blacklist’ with ‘blocklist’ is a pain when you’re listing blocks, apparently GitHub will drop the term “master” as the default branch name from its hosted repositories in response to protests about ingrained racism.…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2020/06/15/github_replaces_master_with_main/

 2020-06-15  Comments Off on GitHub to replace master with main across its services The Register
Jun 152020

CHICAGO—In response to nationwide protests regarding police brutality and racial discrimination, food conglomerate Quaker Oats announced Friday that after 130 years, it would replace its historically racist Aunt Jemima mascot with a black female lawyer who enjoys pancakes from time to time. “The time has come to…Read more…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.theonion.com/quaker-oats-replaces-historically-racist-aunt-jemima-ma-1844015205

 2020-06-15  Comments Off on Quaker Oats Replaces Historically Racist Aunt Jemima Mascot With Black Female Lawyer Who Enjoys Pancakes Sometimes The Onion