Hello All-In celebration of the (slightly belated) 10-year anniversary of Guile v2.0, we’re having another Guile Potluck! The Guile Potluck is a randomly annual event to give people a chance to show off their Guile projects and skills. Think of it as a game jam, but, not constrained to games. To participate, on or before Mar 6, send an email to guile-user@gnu.org with Potluck in the subject line. Please include instructions on how to find your entry, which could be anything you like. For example, – a script showing off some feature of Guile or your favorite Guile library – a blog post describing something interesting about Guile – an updated release of a neglected library – a…
External feed Read More at the Source: http://lcinexile.blogspot.com/2021/02/guile-potluck-2021.html
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