Feb 202021

Issue Brief on the HR 1 Campaign Finance Program
By Howie Hawkins, February 18, 2021
The Campaign Finance section is one of three divisions in HR 1, the proposed For the People Act.
Division A deals with Voting, including many good reforms concerning internet and same-day voter registration, eliminating unjust voter roll purges, voter-verified permanent paper ballots, early voting, and no excuse absentee ballots.
Division C deals with Ethics, again with many good reforms such as requiring presidential candidates to release their tax returns.
Division B deal with Campaign Finance. It creates a matching funds public campaign finance program for congressional and presidential candidates that simply adds public money on top of a campaign finance system that is dominated by private…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://howiehawkins.us/policy-brief-cut-the-campaign-finance-program-from-hr-1/


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