Werewolf. The other day I joked that the hardest part about watching some movies is suspending disbelief that AI is possible, but on the other hand, movies about werewolves, zombies and vampires don’t bother me. The difference being that there are not currently grifters manipulating the economy with their insane promises about werewolf futures. I think I’m on to something here. Any time you read about Artificial General Intelligence, read that as Artificial General Werewolves: Today’s Self-Werewolves might be limited, but we’re only 14 months away from Full-Self-Werewolf. We need to be very concerned about the existential threat of General Werewolves. What effect will Werewolves have on the Economy? It’s…
External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2025/01/werewolf-futures/