Oct 222024

The Supreme Court’s Carpenter decision created a warrant requirement for obtaining location data from service providers. It was a limited ruling, albeit one that has had far-ranging implications.
Thanks to this ruling, law enforcement agencies have started buying location data from third-party brokers, rather than suffer the apparent indignity of having to ask a judge to approve a warrant. The underlying theme of the ruling — that the Fourth Amendment ain’t what it used to be now that everyone’s online all the time — has seen it applied to cases where location data isn’t the underlying concern. Anything law enforcement might use to engage in tracking of individuals is now under additional scrutiny.
And while this is…

External feed Read More at the Source: https://www.techdirt.com/2024/10/21/federal-court-says-three-hits-from-flock-alpr-cameras-isnt-enough-for-a-carpenter-violation/

 2024-10-22  Add comments

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